Message from the Principal


Welcome to the St John the Evangelist website and thank you for visiting. I trust that it will provide a wealth of information about our wonderful school.

St John's is a school that is improving in reputation and stature within the community and students are experiencing significant learning success. This is due to the considerable dedication of the staff, the commitment of the parents and the efforts of our wonderful group of students.

As a school we strive each day to live fully the school vision with a strong focus on developing a compassionate and just educational environment based on Catholic values and traditions. This community does value peace and actively seeks to develop peaceful relationships for all.

The school was established by the people of the Catholic community in Nowra and remains responsive to the needs of the Shoalhaven. It has grown in size each year requiring significant building projects that have resulted in the establishment of a well-resourced environment that includes a gymnasium, specialty drama, music, dance rooms and trade training centre for both Construction and Hospitality.

Technology has been integrated into all areas of teaching and learning is undertaken in a one-to-one computer environment for each student and teacher. This enables learning to be conducted in a relevant and connected manner.

Our dedicated staff are committed to ensuring that all students are challenged to know and meet their potential as active, informed citizens. I firmly believe that 'not everyone can come first, but everyone can do their best'. This is what we will be striving to achieve for each of our students.


Mr Wayne Marshall, Principal

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